Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm slightly agitated. I'm in the process of searching for various topics/posts/articles/web videos on the web for singlehood in Christ, and some of the stuff I'm seeing is grievous to me. for example, my web search pulls up a lot of stuff for christian-single dating and 1.99 per minute hotlines/chat rooms. . . .or articles from pastors that-i choose to believe meant well when they put their sermon's together-are telling singles to marry because it is God's will for them, and therefore sin to remain single. . . .i mean, come on. and yes, they are allowed to make mistakes. yes, they are humans that bleed and sweat just like me. i am just urked that there are well known leaders in the Body of Christ teaching on singleness without consulting the Holy Spirit.
maybe these leaders honestly believe that, if someone is single, they are no doubt fornicating or masturbating period, end of discussion. but, that is NOT so, and marriage is not a 'cure'. marriage will not solve these emotional and/or spiritual issues [if anything, a person will bring these things into their marriage if they don't hand these issues over to God]. only the Blood of Jesus can, and did, do that. the Word of God [bible] helps with the transformation-of-one's-thinking process, and prayer. where are the Singles in Christ that are taking a stand for holiness at? where are the success-stories?? sad to say, they are few. and that's a cryin shame.

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